Monday 20 October 2008


Over the past 2 weeks I have been creating mockups of my magazine. I have created mockups for the front cover, contents page, and 2 other pages of technology and fashion. So far I have only created first drafts and have not developed these any further but I am working on it. These are images of my current mockups.

Monday 29 September 2008

Institutional Research - Glamour

"Glamour" Magazine is produced by a well known publishing company called "Condé Nast". I researched Condé Nast and found out that it was one of the first British publishers on the internet. Condé Nast also produce Vogue magazine, and GQ magazines, two of the most popular and successful magazines ever! Condé Nast Interactive's stable of websites now attracts over 2.6 million unique users with 46 million pages viewed each month; 250,000 people have requested to receive emails from them on a daily and weekly basis; and over 200,000 unique users currently access their content on mobile phones.
Condé Nast also have a style website, which has a huge age range of 15-45!
I feel that this publishing company would be appropriate for my magazine as its magazines have a similar age range to the audience I am aiming for, and as they have produced similar magazines and I know these have been very successful I would be very confident in using the company. The magazines they produce are mainly aimed at a female audience, like my magazine, but they also produce some male magazines, so I know they would have experience in producing content aimed at males.

Institutional Research - Stuff

"Stuff" Magazine is published by a "global media company" called Haymarket.

After researching Haymarket I found that they produced magazines of a similar genre, such as "What Hi-FI? Sound and Vision", based on sound and vision gadgets, and other magazines mainly aimed at an older male audience such as car magazines and radio magazines. They also have online magazines such as demonstrating that the audience would be computer literate. They produce other magazines in the USA and Australia.

Haymarket say "Inspirational, witty and friendly, it has become the best-selling gadget magazine in the world." This shows that Haymarket is a very large and successful publishing company for technology magazines.